How To Feed A Puppy

How To Feed A Puppy
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What you will find out through reading here is how to feed a puppy from the moment it comes into your home.

You won’t be finding out what brand of food to buy and where from, as this is guidance on why to feed a certain way to help your puppy learn quicker.

You may be thinking how can feeding a meal help your puppy learn quicker? Or how many times do you feed a puppy a day? These are good questions and you will be answered as we go along.

By using all your meals for training you can supercharge your puppy’s learning now end. You’re not leaving food down in a bowl so it can graze.

Each meal will be used for some kind of mission to help your dog learn what you want and how to behave in certain situations.

The simple way to go about this is through these two simple ways.

Hand Feeding A Puppy

This is so underrated yet many owners do not do it. The benefits of hand-feeding a puppy are enormous. You can teach obedience training on a daily basis. You can teach a puppy to be gentle with its mouth and to start to be delicate around your hands.

You can teach it how to behave around the home by rewarding things you like instead of falling into a trap of noticing the bad things all the time and punishing them. What you acknowledge you get more of, so reward what you like from your dog’s daily ration.

You can feed piece by piece and touch your puppy all over so it gets used to having its ears touched, paws touched etc so you are doing some kind of handling training.

You can also take food outside on the walk and use it to help build your puppy’s confidence up outside so that it is not as scary as it could be.

By using a puppy’s meal you can avoid giving away too many treats too so your puppy learns basic behaviours for dry kibble food instead of high-value food that is not required.

Hand-feeding a puppy is a must for all new puppy owners and will work wonders, so give it a go today.

Kong Feeding

How To Feed A Puppy

This a great way to help a dog stay calm and relaxed while chewing on something tasty instead of actually chewing your home.

Having various sizes of Kongs stuffed with tasty food from your dog’s daily ration will keep your new puppy occupied whilst also tiring it out through its chewing and licking motions.

When feeding a Kong always use it as a food dispenser at your dog’s meal time or when it is calm and relaxed and you want to reward your dog for being calm and relaxed.

Introduce your puppy to the Kong with some tasty food inside, make it seem exciting and just hold it while your dog licks and nibbles on it for a bit. Once it gets the hang of it slowly move it to the floor and let it have some fun emptying the contents.

At first try not to make it too hard as it might put your puppy off, so build it up slowly and gradually make it harder for the food to come out so your puppy has endless joy when eating from a Kong Toy.

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